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Actions and Knowledge for South Periphery

"KnowledgeVsClimateChange: Community in transition for the Southern Suburbs of Reggio Calabria" is the project promoted by Pensando Meridiano with the Centro ABITALab dArTe dell'Univ. Mediterranea of RC and the Reboot Association, for the construction and strengthening of knowledge and actions on sustainability, recycling, innovation and circular economy for adaptation to climate change in the Southern Suburbs of Reggio Calabria.


The activities are carried out in line with the tactics of the "city of knowledge" of PM for the training of young u35 (makers) and with what reported by the EU programmes "Climate Action" on climate change and Agenda2030 for the Sustainable Development Objectives 11, 12 and 13.


The project takes place from November 2019 to September 2020 through capacity building activities (seminars, workshops, direct actions of making) between the University Course "Sustainable Innovation Design" by Prof. C. Nava and the southern outskirts of RC and the Thesis Atelier "Fragile territories: environment, risk and climate change_Nimble buildings in circular and resilient cities" directed by Prof. M. Milardi e C. Nava, including spaces of collaboration such as the innovative startup PMopenlab, universities, the Municipality of Reggio C., local and national associations working on the issues, primary and secondary schools in the southern suburbs.




Under 35 involved


Inhabitants in the southern suburbs


Continuous activity days

Actions and Contributions for knowledge transfer [OPEN SEMINARS - PM OPENSCHOOL].


Co-design actions and "vsClimateChange" projects

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