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The project's general objective is the construction and strengthening of knowledge on urban sustainability, recycling, the circular economy and possible actions for adaptation to climate change for communities located in the southern suburbs of Reggio Calabria, in line with the tactics of city ​​of knowledge of the Association Pensando Meridiano, training young people under 35 as makers who guide involvement and transformation actions with communities and citizens. Other partnership spaces are identified in the collaboration with dArTe - Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria, in knowledge qualification pathways and workshops for university students in university courses, the innovative startup PMopenlab srls, the Department of the Built Environment of the TU/e from Eindhoven (Netherlands), the Municipality of Reggio Calabria, the local and national neighborhood associations, with which the proponent has already shared paths of social innovation and primary and secondary schools of the first and second degree of the southern suburbs of Reggio Calabria.


The adopted capacity building tactics (seminars, workshops, direct making actions) are necessary to sensitize the communities on the importance of circular processes and the adoption of good practices in reference to the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs 11 "Sustainable Cities and Communities" and 13 "Climate Action" of the 2030 Agenda. In fact, training, information and education activities on the issues of sustainability and resilience are planned, together with making actions for the sustainable transformation of the territory and urban areas aimed at young people under 35, interior of a sensitive context in which phenomena of environmental and social degradation are detected, also referring to the poor quality of the spaces and the urban built-up such as the populous southern suburbs of Reggio Calabria.




Project Responsibile: Pensando Meridiano  
Association Reboot, Department of Architecture and Territory - dArTe with Centro Interuniversitario ABITALab - Unirc
Soggetto proponente, coordina le attività di progetto e i makers u35 in coerenza con la Tattica «Città della conoscenza» per la periferia Sud.
Coordina i percorsi di didattica e di formazione sui temi della città, architettura, tecnologie abilitanti, resilienza e cambiamenti climatici.
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Coordina attività per il networking di soggetti pubblici e privati per promuovere l’innovazione sociale e tecnologica al sud.
Technical and Scientific Committee:
Arch. PhD Giuseppe Mangano - Coordinatore e Responsabile tecnico del progetto, Presidente di Pensando Meridiano, componente del Centro Interuniversitario ABITAlab dArTe UniRC.
Prof.ssa Arch. Consuelo Nava - Responsabile scientifica del progetto, resp. Centro Interuniversitario ABITAlab dArTe UniRC.
Arch. Alessia Leuzzo - Collaborazione al coordinamento tecnico del progetto, PhD student XXXIV ciclo dArTe Unirc, socia di Pensando Meridiano, componente del Centro Interuniversitario ABITAlab dArTe UniRC.
Angelo Marra - Presidente Reboot
Makers e designers (Pensando Meridiano)
Dott.ssa Gianluigia Marano, Arch. Francesca Autelitano, Mikhaela Cannizzaro, dott.ssa Rossella De Simone, Ing. Alessandra Cara, dott. Luca Assumma, Paolo Nucera, Arch. Andrea Procopio e Arch. Alessia Palermiti (PMopenlab) - CLICCA QUI
Other spaces for collaboration:
Course "Sustainability and Innovation of the Project - SID" by Prof. Consuelo Nava and the Thesis Workshop "Fragile Territories and Climate Change" by Prof. Consuelo Nava and prof. Martino Milardi (UniRC, ABITAlab dArTe), the Department of the Built Environment of the University of Eindhoven (Netherlands), the Municipality of Reggio Calabria, the Associations and individuals, primary and secondary schools in the southern suburbs of Reggio Calabria, the innovative start-up PMopenlab.



Knowledge Transfer

[1°- 4°month]


Sustainable Design, Recycling, Social Innovation, Climate Change Adaptation, Enabling Technologies (KETs), Circular Economy, Agenda 2030 and SDGs

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Sustainable Innovation capacity building [4°-10° month]


Acquisition of knowledge and increase of skills for the development of projects on the themes of the SID course and Thesis Workshop "Agile Buildings in Circular and Resilient Cities".


Making Actions

[7°-11° month]

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Open Mapping, KETs, Additive Manufacturing for actions and projects for environmental sustainability and the fight against climate change in the southern outskirts of Reggio Calabria

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